Delhi -6 is an utter disappointment as a film, this movie looked promising in trailer frames however in my view it falls flat on most areas except for A.R.Rahman's music which salvages some effort of Rakyesh Om Prakash Mehra,
i wanted to see the soul of the city Delhi in the story of the movie, i thought i would be able to see true acting talent of Sonam Kapoor, she is completely under utilised in this film, Abhishek Bacchan's role seems actual IBCD(Indian Born Confused Desi) rather than a ABCD (American Born Confused Desi). The plot of the movie seems to be completely out of the way and somehow brought to an end in a real bizzare way, however you get a glimpse of what is coming in a song.
I feel the director rode on the "Black Monkey" phenomenon too high rather than the potential of the actors, the story of the film grows preachy in the end, the movie is woven more like a theatrical satire on social fabric of our country, i feel the plot of the movie suits more to a theatre play rather than a movie, i was surprised to see cheap fx grpahics occupying background of delhi, rather than the real footage of the city, you get to see very few glimpses of this city.
The director is successful in showing how narrow our thinking is like the lanes of old delhi amidst the pride that people take of being "Large Hearted" or Dilwalon ki Dilli, i was surprised to see too many editing goof ups in the movie in terms of background score and story editing, background score was rather weird in some tense scenes of the movie, the chemistry between Abhishek and Sonam does not take off.
Actually the director has tied up with Channel 18 network and no doubt i heard a positive review on Rajeev Masand's show for the movie, the last time for RDB, Rakyesh used NDTV channel as a means of promotional vehicle, i liked only the cinematography and music from the film.
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