Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dark Knight embraces Dark Side

Vader Batman

1 comment:

Aldo Baker said...

My name is Aldo Baker and I’m getting in touch with you regarding your website. I’m currently working with and to announce their new Infographic and thought this might interest your readers, as it provides a visual way to understand “Life After College”.

You can review the graphic at

If you like the graphic, I’d appreciate if you could add it to your blog or share it through your social media accounts.

If you would like to display the graphic on your blog or website you can easily copy and paste the code from our site.

I’m available Monday to Friday 8am-7pm CST, and can be contacted by my direct email

PS. I am more than happy to help you share any future blog post you are trying to get more visibility to.

Aldo Baker
Marketing Director