News from mobile industry - What's buzzing?
What's The Best Strategy for monetizing mobile apps in India?
Check out this
article from PCQuest which throws light on a discussion held at “Emerging era of mobility” panel at IT.Biz conference 2012, developer panel shared their views on how to take on the freemium model on a very strong Android platform in India.
Also take a look at some interesting statistics about mobile industry in India via the iShopper Mobile Trends Report
check why 98% Indian traveller's are so into expressing their interests and opinions online about their travel experience.
Mobile phones have being known to cause relationship trouble not just between couples, but they are good enough to drive your friends away says a research
Did you Know!
Texting is 20 years old now, The first SMS was sent on December 3, 1992, when a 22-year-old British engineer called Neil Papworth - an employee of the technology company Sema - used his computer to send the message "Merry Christmas" to an Orbitel 901 mobile phone.
Google Play inching in closer to iOS app store in 2012, however the trench of revenue earning potential is still a concern, check this article
There's a social networking app available for kids between age 5 - 13 years on iOS which goes by the name Everloop Goobit, read more about this